Ok, knowledge is all about
Getting along with the Pyrenees If you’re a cloud, to learn The cross-winds, to slip with ease Along the northern slope, But more, to breathe within The human breath, linking us To gneiss and jessamine, So that our eyes draw light From river ripples’ glint, Our minds from droplet-hanging Spider webs among the spearmint, So that we are complete. And that is our thirst, Our thirst to know The universe, to be immersed In a burst of sunlight That sparkles on the grass In air that swathes the earth With glimpses of moon and brass, Beyond the finest fine, And the breath within our breath Demands that higher land Where death has met its death, And that is the secret service Of those whose hearts are right, Who seek with love and candles For knowledge with delight.
There are always people
Willing to concede Themselves to truth and goodness. But they lack drive, indeed, Until they meet coarse brutes Whose will is harsh and strong. And then their own deep will Rumbles its deep-scored song. And when all men are joined, They see the light of peace Knocking on faith's door, Carrying holiness in its valise. There are some people
For whom every number is seven. And yet in the sacred incense They add one ingredient so that there are eleven. So that they can enter into this world As in a pair of overalls And then they go upstairs, Dragging shoppers from the malls. And sometimes they err And they think they’re not as strong As they really are. But they Turn about and come along, And the world is as marvelous As a desert suffused in LSD, Because it has danced in the wake Of their synchronicity. The freedom of thought,
I mean, when it is real, Is the light shining through An old movie reel, In other words, the light Of the world, bright as a cymbal, Divided from darkness, More real than a symbol, Of the destruction of thought, An eternal night, a land-mined Field, a roaming of beasts Across a ruined mind, The light of the world Is the promise of morning, Its appearance almost one With the babble of mourning, One reflects light Of the ever-refracting more, One sinks into the deceptive Quagmire of the moor. My mind is sinking (like
A bathyscaphe)into God’s great Wisdom and attention. Its ballast is a weight Of justice (gold) and Its buoyant air is charity (Silver). What is law? I am afraid of its severity, As much as my mind can bear And my imagination see. And on this platforms rests The light of love. What temerity! I have lived it. It has traveled Through the rivers of my veins. And all the bitter is made sweet, With doubled light upon the chalk-white lanes. This here body (even if
Tightening the belt doesn’t disguise Its wobbly center) and its circumscribed Power (the squint in the eyes), Contains, implicitly, Flares of light bright as The sky, and they rise, they Soar, balloons of helium gas, When we here stagger and Awaken, and these lights add Strength to the brightness of the sky, a vibratory glad. There is a world that is so large
(It is not built of sticks Like a seashore nest), It fills itself. It needs no prefix. It needs no study, it needs no Preparation or label (Perhaps it is a nest, Perhaps light behind a fable). All learning, warmth and kindness Prepare us for the boulevards Of that world, for its skies, Its words, its camelopards. We are walls, and all Our preparation strips the paint, Those dark and uncouth layers That spattered on our windows in constraint Of light that propagates, That blazes through the scattered dew, That flares across the wheat and sod, Beneath the stork’s eye point of view. Thinking about faith, thinking
About God, thinking about Soulful roads (in Peru alongside The New Year River), with gout Hobbling to fulfill soulful Deeds, leads to shouldering The yoke of heaven (that’s A lot of stars, smoldering Nebulae, fretful tachyons). It’s a little hard in the quark, Even bitter, in the cosmic wind Propagating through the dark. Let us sweeten it by arranging Our most refined senses And our stellar ideas, Brilliant, kind intelligences, Until the word of God becomes A lozenge sweet and pleasant To the soul (or springing Like a thrumming pheasant From the road), this Sweetmeat born from the core Of the blazing stars, from The inner corridor, From the patterns they create, Their waves of energy, Their points of light that shine As words, and blink their ABC. We refine our praise until
It is not dark or weak, An impostor or a fool, Or a lustful antique, But it stands within the circle Demanded from within, demanded By the scrubbed light of the soul When she is free and candid. That is the entire Torah, from A to Z. And if the thorns Are missing, if the handles are torn, Then the color is drained from the hawthorns. The mind floats up like A weather balloon, it spreads Its sensors, and we see Patterns of weather in cumulus shreds. Prayer begins from the smallest need. When we fill it without measure From the head of the river, It rises to its source of pleasure. Every day it is in the marmot, Though hidden; in the human, revealed. Its light bursts like asters For souls in the field, A light that shines so strongly That no shadow remains, But the soil and grass blaze Across the hills and plains. Oh how I’ve come down
In the world. And these scraps Of mud-smeared ruby and jade Stick to me, to each synapse, And I hose them off, for Decades (at least!), still, Because they clung to my skin, To my soul and will, They gain, they are Already, somewhat, rising, They are ready to be Clean, (which is not surprising, Because they have clung To the soul made in the form—) If not today, then, if not In this home, in another dorm, Rising and now in a form That shines, that can cling To the universe’s eternal Birds that praise, that sing, That sing the splendor Of the crown that—we know And we can’t know—(but If my hair were white as snow, Perhaps I would be there As it rose.) Yes, It rises, yes, it sparkles Till the meadows opalesce. |
Yaacov David Shulman
October 2019
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