After the Big Bad Wolf ate the Piggy who built his house with straw, all of the cows and the horses and the ducks were very sad, and they cried that whole day and that whole night.
And then, after the Big Bad Wolf ate the Piggy who had built his house with sticks, then the cows and the horses and the ducks and the sheep and the goats cried and cried, and they had a meeting and they said that this should never happen again! And this made the third little Piggy, who built his house with bricks, feel a little better. One day, when he heard the Big Bad Wolf scrabbling on his roof, he put a big pot of boiling water right in the chimney. And when the Big Bad Wolf came down the chimney to eat the third little Piggy, he landed right in the scalding water and ran out of the house yowling, with his big scorched tail streaming and smoking behind him! Right away the Big Bad Wolf went to all of the other animals and he said that he wanted to call a meeting. So the cows and horses and ducks and the sheet and the goats got together to make a meeting with the Big Bad Wolf. At the meeting, the Big Bad Wolf cried and cried, and held his scorched tail in his front paws to show to all of the animals. “I only came down to the third little Piggy with my teeth and claws,” said the Big Bad Wolf, “but he attacked me with boiling water, which is much, much worse. If only he would have talked with me, I would have been his friend. But now that he attacked me, I will try to eat him up!” “Oh gosh, that would be Piggy’s fault!” reasoned out the sheep. But the Big Bad Wolf wasn’t finished. “It’s worse than that!” he said. “The third little Piggy built his house of bricks on my land, my ancestral hunting lands.” “Hmm,” said the horses. “That is really unfair.” “And,” said the Wolf, “when I want to go through, the bricks hurt my snout.” “We must tell Piggy to pull down his house of bricks and build a house of straw,” said the ducks. “At least that will be a good-will gesture,” said the goats. The Wolf added, “And he has to give me the dining room, the living room and the bedroom.” “That sounds fair,” considered the cow. “And then you will be friends with Piggy?” “No,” said the Wolf. “Then I will eat Piggy up and take his whole house.” “So why should we listen to you?” asked a clever goose. “Because if you don’t, I will come and eat you too!” said the Wolf. And then he started weeping even louder than before, holding his tail in his paws and holding it out for the animals to see. So the animals summoned the third little Piggy and told him that they were very, very angry with him for having been so mean to the Big Bad Wolf. They said that from now on the third little Piggy must never light any fire in the chimney, that he must give the Wolf his dining room, living room and bedroom, and he must take down his wooden door and put up a straw door. The little Piggy did everything they asked, because he wanted to be friends with the Big Bad Wolf. Then all the animals came to the little Piggy and said, “OK, now that you have done all of that, you are ready to negotiate.” But the third little Piggy did not have time to negotiate, because the Big Bad Wolf had gotten into the house and was chasing him from room to room. And now you know … the rest of the story! The End
Between today and tomorrow, my
Heart beats. Crickets stridulate. When the cat looks out, it sees the lean Edge of dawn, a line that presses On my skull, then disappears in the vapor Of the colors of the morning. The meadow flowers flow in the breeze
The sunshine does not move. Oh I relax and let The flower over there be there. The flower over there is calm, Thinking I am merely here. There are so many heads,
A meadow of flowers. Each flower is so important, It even has its own insects! That purple flower over there Has what you, red flower, do not have. Being hated has
Its charm, as does the night hunt. Opportunities To grow do not grow on trees. Where do they grow? The Screech owl sits high in the Branches. It is an Opportunity for a Mouse to say: Am I a mouse? Poetry is, please,
Aesthetics enhanced, air-borne, By meaning. Maybe Meaning embraced by, my dear, Words fizzle-foozling, Incandescing from inky Swirls, from frank swats at What, at stung syllables, at Wonky wounds that sing their woes. I found myself out-
Side a door. So glad to have Found myself. The dour-- Or dear?—expressions on their Physiognomies Rushed me here and there. The train Huffing, their eyebrows Prussian, mats of seaweed swim- Ming, their eyes round promises. |
Yaacov David Shulman
October 2019
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