Prayer turns everything
Inside out and upside Down, inside and out, Where pride is humble-pied, And especially along the Seam where the two worlds meet, A thresher that clobbers the sour And stirs upward the sweet.
At the pinnacle,
All of our abilities, Look like trash, Like squashed fleas, Then like the angels Who are burned in the river Of fire, we come back Our lights flicker, they shiver, That is the power that hides Kindness, that is the rough Husk, bowl that holds the milk, We tell the light, “Enough.” The letters inside me
Are churning, a bet Changes into a shin, A mem into a tet, The lightning bolt of Thought number one And thought number two Blazes the horizon, Torches chasing each other And the more we learn wisdom And deeds, and leach anger And lust from heart and cranium, Oh the letters are fireworks Or constellations, or streaming Glowing words, my mind rises, still, And pauses its ceaseless screaming. Heaven is not stingy
(Keep that in mind-- That its rivers pour kindness And its waters wind With light and calm, Pleasure and Eden, benevolence) And here we can receive, The more we try, more opulence, And with everything fine, With every teaching and good deed, (You can see with your own eyes) How life and goodness are freed Until you are full with Light and peace, and Glad with what you have, Because even a trace in your hand Is beyond estimate. Our work is to improve The world, with all of its Wealth, its honor. We move (The Rock does not move) Up, in the name of our God, on the breast of the meadow Whose kindnesses flower. One cup of silver melts
For the ultimate good (which Means it can’t be called Anything in any ultimate niche). And you feel that the soul Of your life has distilled The highest being, that It is connected to and filled By the gears that impel Who it is and how it seems-- And with that, its thought Flies and its streams Of highest will arise. And from the box of kind Being, a name in silver Glinting lines is signed. This bird knew
That nothing is in vain The claw of the wolverine The cluster of threads around the grain That every thought That every word and act Clinging to light that is higher Than light, to being beyond the name of fact That it is all alive, That it is moving and that It is good, that it makes The red more red, the scent at Harvest season more crackly Sweet, the sun more kind, And when this globe is blessed So too these thoughts inclined These hairs that embrace The wheat, so that the charm Of the entire field to the horizon Is embraced within an unseen arm. Sometimes resting is not rest
It is a scratching in the bone It is the sun motes floating In the west, it is the drone Of bees in the eucalyptus Trees, their constant buzz Creates in all a murmur Of a coming peace that one time was. I forget, and all the letters
Of my thoughts scatter, And they don’t come back home Till the light floods my habitat, or The home of us all, as Memory drives back to the mansion. All these thoughts jostle To fit into a scansion, They shine flashlights On each other, but fade to a wisp, I forget, and my words Are fried to a crisp, Till I can’t stand your thoughts 'Cause they stand in my way, And I douse you with coffee In this lousy cafe. And the job of some people (Who are wiser than wise) Is to open the vents And blow the smoke from our eyes, And restore our poor minds On this rattling train, Rocking and shaking To our original terrain, They gather the scattered, They rope in the strays, They restore the poor herd To the start of its days. And the vine whose leaves Are dusty carmine Produces fine grapes And a truth-glinting wine. |
Yaacov David Shulman
October 2019
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