A field of dust covers the star,
A man hobbles upon a road, A crowd chants, a mouse Escapes a field being mowed, Galaxies twine themselves Along the filaments of dark matter, A light shines in the barn, At the top of three rungs of the ladder, It is a city, in each apartment Lives are being lived, the car, The nation and its hills, the soul, The snow and the guitar, The streetlamps, the snow, Hour after hour, until Lines of type stream in your chest, Not merely fanciful, The light of lights, The secret of every molecule, Silence, you watch the snow fall, As you stand in the vestibule.
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Carefully check the records
If you wish to study the mysteries Of the undulating plains and Hills. Which hill is a congeries Of stray rubbish that breaks The ankles and offends the eye, And which offers a summit And a pool reflecting the sky. Sometimes the circling hawks Appear to be crows. But so High, rowing in the currents Of the sun, in its spangled flow, If the wind were to cease How all the light would dim, How the lizards would dart Into crevices, dry and grim, Till you would think that The heavy dragging of stones Is the work of your pride, but It is the echo of dry bones. A soft, rotting depression
In the soil and a white sun That blazes and whitens the sky Into oblivion, Over a field of sweet-smelling Hay. This is my field, My sun, these spots of decaying Hay as well, unhealed-- Or smoke it out, if possible-- Because there is no field That does not have spoiled grass Where the scuttering mice are revealed, And when it is turned up By the harrow, in its shame, It dries in the heat of the sun And smoke rises from its flame. In the Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan
The pebble on the road contains The entire landscape, the hills Wrinkled and rough down to the plains. When you shrink down to the size Of a quark, you see the vibrating String, the vibrations that ring, The very part of you that stands creating. And through the window you see The sun, you are the sun, a mote, A sky. Then the heat shimmers And distracts you to your overcoat, You have lost your wallet, you Have lost a hand, you take A step but have no foot, you Splinter, you fall, opaque, Unhealed, shrunken, wild, you think You are a flaming star—but no, You are a pitted moon. But a star Flares, flames, it streaks a glow That silvers the sky, till in The forest you read by its light, Which is the furthest halo, the story Of the princess freed from her plight. Look for a name that is so complete,
Over an entire universe, the vacuum, The wormholes are calm, the sabbath Fills the wheatfields, looms Spin silver. The grass exhales, Veins of silver, rough, an aster, A wind, silence, a flag moving Rests, from a name with one master, A wind where there is no wind, yes Where there is no yes or no, where Electrons smudge, mirrors glare, Glints weave in and out of the air, A mustard seed, a cosmic stream, A road that flows in every direction, A ladder, a lamp, a chemical formula, A gaseous shell and sweet confection. |
Yaacov David Shulman
October 2019
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